Faculty Grants

Donors’ funds are allocated to fund selected high quality researches.


1. Nigerian Breast Cancer Study: A multi-centered Case controlled study of women with breast cancer and control recruited at both community and facility levels in Nigeria. It aims to Describe the prevalence and spectrum of mutations in breast cancer susceptibility genes in a large cohort of breast cancer cases of African ancestry and determine the prevalence of breast cancer molecular subtypes and associated risk factors in a large cohort of women of African ancestry with breast cancer. Susan G. Komen, USA Ongoing

Prognosis, Improvements in quality of life and social integration of women with obstetric fistula after surgical treatment.

The goal of the project is to improve access to treatment, quality of life and productivity of women suffering from obstetric fistula in developing countries through improved surgical care, psychosocial support, rehabilitation services and assistance in social reintegration.

Mac Aurthur Foundation Ongoing

Using Infant Welfare Clinics as a strategic access point for Family Planning uptake and services in Nigeria

To strengthen the effective and efficient delivery of family planning services in Nigeria using the IWC as entry point

Bill and Melinda Gates Institute Ongoing

Performance Monitoring and Accountability 2020 (PMA 2020)

PMA2020 uses innovative mobile technology to support low-cost, rapid-turnaround, nationally-representative surveys monitoring key indicators for family planning in support of FP2020 goals.

Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and Institute Ongoing
5 Further study on NASG and Clinical Introduction. Expand the use of NASG in the Continuum of care of post-partum Haemorrhage MacArthur Foundation          (2007-2011) Completed 2011

Family Health and Wealth Study :

The family health and wealth study is a multi-center and multi-country longitudinal study that aims to examine individual-and-family level health and economic consequences of family size on wide ranges of reproductive health issues with special emphasis on family planning.


Bill and Melinda Gates Institute Completed 2012

Strengthening the Capacity of Reproductive Health programming and Services in Nigeria:

It aimed to establish a Center for Population and Reproductive Health. Strengthen Reproductive Health and Population Programming in Nigeria through developing and offering Graduate, Diploma, and Certificate courses and conducting collaborative research in critical areas of national need.

Bill and Melinda Gates Institute, John Hopkins University


April 2014

8 Household Air Pollution Study: It is a prospective randomized trial of pregnant women at the household level based on biomass emission (Clean stove versus Cooking wood versus Kerosene) UN On going
9 WAVE Study Bill and Melinda Gates Completed
10 Implementation Research on EMONC Mentoring of health care providers in 9 states in Nigeria (Ogun, Kaduna, Benue, Ebonyi, Cross Rivers, Kebbi, FCT, Akwa Ibom, and Lagos) UNFPA 7th Country Program Completed

Chicago-Ibadan Partnership for Interdisciplinary Research Training


NIH / Fogarty On going
12 In-depth Analysis of UNFPA Nigeria Performance over the past Ten Years (2003-2013) UNFPA Completed
13 Implementation Research for Family Planning Methods Provision in Markets located in rural settings 7th Country Program Project, UNFPA About to start
14 Strengthening capacity for the use of Misoprostol and Magnesium Sulphate in 7 selected states in Nigeria 7th Country Program Project, UNFPA On going
15 Assessment of Sexual and Gender Based Violence in North East Nigeria (2016) UNFPA Completed
16 Training on Clinical Management of Rape (2016) UNFPA Completed
17 Training of Health Care Workers On EMONC and MNCH (2016) UNFPA Completed
18 Planning for a Regional Centre for Research Excellence (RCRE) University of Chicago Ongoing
19 Training of Health Care Workers on Clinical Management of Rape (2017) UNFPA Completed
20 Follow Up Assessment of Sexual and Gender Based Violence in North East Nigeria (2016) UNFPA Completed
21 Effect of Mentoring on the use of Misoprostol and Magnesium Sulphate and EMONC UNFPA Completed
22 YouthPower Action :Feasibility study of an online support group intervention among adolescents living with HIV in Nigeria FHI ongoing
23 Community Medical Outreach in 3LGAs in Borno State, Nigeria. UNFPA Ongoing

Over the years, CPRH has pioneered and provides leadership for acquisition of RH service and research skills and has been in the forefront of translation of research into practice aimed at improving the quality of maternal, newborn and child health in the country

CPRH, the Centre therefore contributes to strengthening of capacities in RH and Population policy and program formulation, development, management including coordination, monitoring and evaluation.

CPRH has a good complement of consultants who are available to participate from the Departments of Obstetrics and Gynecology Health Promotion and Education, Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Demography, Community Medicine, Institute of Child and Adolescent Health Sociology, among others combined to provide a wealth of experience and expertise that will effectively execute the tasks detailed therein.

In CPRH, the team has conducted trainings for Federal and States’ Ministry of Health in Nigeria as well as many international agencies such as UNFPA, UNICEF, DFID, World Bank and WHO.